The Causes and Treatment of Conductive Hearing Loss: Key Things to Know

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Conductive hearing loss patients have trouble hearing caused by a problem with their ear’s ability to conduct sound waves. This can happen because of a congenital absence or malformation of the ear or as a result of a blockage in the ear canal. Several forms of conductive hearing loss can be treated, allowing the patient to enjoy normal hearing.

Numerous congenital issues can result in conductive hearing loss. To illustrate, someone can be born with an ear canal that isn’t fully open, or their ear canal might not have developed at all. Components within the inner ear may be malformed, hindering normal hearing. Some of these congenital problems can be addressed via surgery. The ones that cannot may be remedied with a hearing aid. Congenital issues are among the less frequent causes of conductive hearing loss.

Among the more common causes of conductive hearing loss is a buildup of fluid or wax in the outer ear. The ability to hear clearly can be negatively impacted by wax buildup and inner ear infections. Washing the ear can be enough to remove ear wax buildup, while prescription antibiotics might be required to address an infection.

Accumulation in the middle ear can also be responsible for conductive hearing loss. The most frequent cause of this issue is fluid accumulation. Often a result of ear infections, this problem is common in kids. Sinus pressure from the common cold or allergies can exert pressure on the middle ear, muffling a person’s hearing. A much less common cause of hearing loss in the middle ear is tumors.

Other issues may cause conductive hearing loss, including perforated eardrums and foreign bodies in the ear canal. This variety of hearing loss may appear by itself, but it may also occur in conjunction with hearing loss from noise exposure. Be sure to speak with a hearing care specialist immediately if you or your child are suffering from unexplained hearing loss. There exists a good possibility that appropriate treatment will fully restore your hearing.

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