Causes and Symptoms Associated with Hyperacusis

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Numerous factors might contribute to hypersensitive hearing or “hyperacusis.” In many situations, it is actually a secondary symptom to that of another underlying condition. Most cases surrounding hyperacusis develop over the course of time, but there are some situations where some of the individuals might be born with this condition. The following list covers numerous potential causes in relation to hyperacusis:

• Continually being exposed to loud noises – This is by far the most common cause attributed to hypersensitive hearing. It can include damage that is self-inflicted throughout our youth as our ears are exposed to extremely loud levels of music.

• Sudden bursts of loud noise – At some point in time, we will probably be exposed to sudden bursts of loud noise, such as gunshots, which in turn cause damage to our ears.

• Ear irrigation – During this process, you can actually cause damage to your ears.

• Recurring ear infections – Continual occurrences of infections within the ear might lead to hyperacusis.

• Face or jaw surgery

• Meniere’s Disease – This is an abnormality occurring within the ear and it is linked to numerous other conditions of the ear, such as tinnitus and vertigo.

• Lyme Disease – If bitten by a tick, you might get this infection. One of the surrounding symptoms might be hyperacusis.

• Tinnitus – Around eight percent of those suffering with tinnitus suffer from some degree of hypersensitive hearing.

• Medications causing an adverse reaction – In certain situations, you might notice that you will get hypersensitive hearing upon taking some medications.

• Head trauma – Sudden blows to the head can cause extensive damage to the ears. For example, if you are in a vehicle and the airbag goes off suddenly, you might end up with damage in the ears.

• TMJ disorder – This condition results whenever there are multiple problems of an increasing intensity in relation to the joints in your jaw.

• Autism – This is an impairment in the development of one’s brain. Children suffering from this condition will offer have extremely sensitive hearing.

• Williams Syndrome – This rare genetic condition causes medical and developmental problems.

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