Purchased a Residential Hearing Loop for Your Home or Apartment? Here’s How to Set it Up Right.

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Congrats. In order to hear your favorite television shows without annoying your family, you went out and acquired a hearing loop. Choosing which model to purchase may not have been easy, but configuring your hearing loop won’t be difficult. The good news is, a professional isn’t required to install a residential hearing loop, because the steps are rather simple.

In the box. There are 4 key components to most hearing loop systems: a sound source (a phone or TV, for example), an amplifier, a wire loop and a sound receiver (the function typically served by your hearing aid). Prior to you dive in to your project, be sure to have all the equipment you might need to put in your hearing loop. Dependent upon the particulars of the loop system you’re putting in, a few additional tools, such as an industrial stapler and a screwdriver, will make your installation faster and easier.

Getting down to work. The first step is to attach your amplifier near your television set with the screws that were included with your system or merely place it next to your TV on a shelf.The next step is to plug your amplifier into a power outlet and to connect your amplifier’s input jack to the audio output jack of your TV. Step number three is to string the wire loop along the room’s perimeter, securing it with staples either under the carpet, along the baseboard or against the top of the wall.It’s that easy! Lastly, follow the hearing loop system manufacturer’s instructions to modify the volume and any other settings your system may have. The volume controls differ by system and can be located on the amplifier or a standalone control pad.

Safety warnings. Never position any electronic equipment in or around water (aquariums, sinks or vases), or in areas where moisture may accumulate. Always use a clean, dry cloth to clean the components of your new hearing loop. Also make sure the loop is far from heat sources, such as a space heater or even other electronics. Be sure your home hearing loop is set up in an area with plenty of ventilation to avoid a situation where it could overheat.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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